Iron loss in women during the monthly periods is the most worldwide, and research also showed that childbearing age women need twice as much daily iron than men. In a woman, the menstrual period lasts for two to five days on average. During menstruation, every pint a woman bleeds, she losses 220 to 250 mg of Iron. The figures can vary from woman to woman, and with age also like the changes in iron stores, the use of intrauterine devices, changing contraceptives can differ. This loss of iron can be fulfilled by supplementation of iron supplements for young women.

Can period Cause anemia?

Heavy monthly bleeding during menstruation can be a leading cause of anemia in women. It can sneak up on them, especially the iron deficiency anemia. You might not notice the changes within you, as it can happen slowly over the years. The common symptoms of anemia that women experience are as follows:

• Tiredness
• Weakness
• Shortness of breath
• Poor concentration
• Lightheadedness

Apart from these symptoms, some women might experience fatigue that won’t shake, regardless of how much you rest. Besides, you may feel easily out of breath doing the activities that you usually do without feeling the same. A few also experience unexplained changes in nails, skin, and hair.

Taking Iron during your periods

During these times of blood loss, a woman’s natural iron regulatory system increases the absorption of iron from her diet. The female body’s natural response to blood loss is marvelous. Do you know, Women’s normal absorption rate of 1 milligram is stepped up to 1.5–3 milligrams per day? However, it is quite hard to increase the level of iron in your body through diet.

Especially in women with low red meat intake and those who take a vegetarian or plant-based diet. Adequate daily iron intake or iron supplements for young women is essential for women who experience heavier periods.

Can Women always get enough iron from my food during periods?

You can get iron from food, however, it may not be consumed well, and it may not be adequate to meet your prerequisites because of the menstrual cycle. Women can lose up to a large portion of 16 ounces of blood during each menstrual cycle. Regardless of whether you are putting forth an attempt to ingest more iron by eating meat, most health specialists suggest a protected intake of 500gm of red meat every week. Likewise, a few elements must be available before iron can be retained and utilized by the body, for example, a healthy digestive system and a sufficient amount of nutrients, for example, zinc, nutrient C, and B complex. Proteins that convey nutrients into the blood are needed in the daily eating routine for iron to be consumed. Likewise, other activities like drinking tea and espresso after your dinners or taking supplements with iron-rich dinners can lessen iron assimilation.

Periods and Anemia.

People who menstruate are generally affected by anemia because they lose blood through their periods. According to statistics, around 38% of pregnant women and 29% of non-pregnant women are affected by anemia worldwide. During menstruating, women lose blood every month, and so does iron present within the red blood cells. You can end up with an iron deficiency if you don’t replace the blood that you have lost during the menstrual cycle. Women who have heavy menstrual bleeding are more susceptible to iron-deficiency anemia. When the bleeding during the menstrual period is over 80 ml, then a woman is considered to have heavy bleeding. Some common causes of heavy menstrual bleeding are:

• abnormal growth of muscle tissue on your uterus
• When an endometrial tissue invades into the muscular wall of the uterus
• abnormal growths on your cervix or the inside of your uterus
• bleeding disorders.

However, menstrual periods are not only a source of iron deficiency anemia there are other factors too.

Lastly, it is important to choose what you intake to maintain a balanced iron level in your body. If you decide to take iron supplements and take them as directed they can be extremely beneficial. The benefits of iron supplements for women are bountiful that improve their quality of life.



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