Parenting is the most rewarding as well as challenging gig. It’s like a thrill ride, with some days being high and others being low. And when it comes to ensuring a kid’s health, we are surrounded by several myths typically poured by friends, relatives, and family members. Yes, that’s true! For instance,iron supplements to babies shouldn’t be given. However, in reality, after six months of age, iron stores in the body start depleting and cannot be fulfilled by mother milk solely. That’s why pediatricians often suggest iron drops to tiny babies as well as toddlers.
Debunking such beliefs is critical for your child’s mental and physical well-being. Here we will highlight seven health myths that every parent should ignore.
Have a look!
It Is Normal For Infants To Get Sick All The Time
Holding Stool Is The Reason Behind Kid’s Constipation
If your child suffers from constipation, enzyme treatment can aid in the breakdown of meals.
Chicken Pox Are Deadly Disease
Antibiotics Are Essential For Common Ailments
Children At Daycare Are Less Immune
Milk Is Must
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