Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in children under 3 years old, and it can lead to iron-deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency is also more prevalent among toddlers with a history of prematurity or low birth weight, as well as those who are vegetarian or vegan (because animal products are excellent sources of iron).
In fact, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 1 out of every 5 toddlers has iron deficiency! And that’s why it’s important for parents to know about this common problem so they can be on the lookout for it.
Iron deficiency can lead to behavioral problems such as irritability or frustration because the victim can’t be as active as usual due to fatigue.
If you’re concerned about your toddler not getting enough iron (and don’t know how to get more into their diet), there are several ways you can boost your little one’s iron levels. And sometimes, it also becomes crucial to feed iron supplements to toddlers.
Here we will look at the top eight iron-rich foods that you can give your little munchkins to prevent them from iron deficiency.
Peanut Butter Sandwich
Banana Pancakes With Maple Syrup And Honey
Oatmeal With Fruit And Toast
Porridge With Berries And Milk
Cheese And Tomato Sandwich With Wholemeal Bread
Chocolate Spread With Brown Bread
Muesli With Milk
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